Who we are

Elena in Freiburg, Germany

Elena's second stop on her journey: Freiburg! At the Dr. Falk Pharma headquarters, she met with employees who told her their personal Falk stories.

Elena and Severin Laule

He told Elena what the last 5 years at Falk were like and why he enjoys to work for the company.

Elena and Pit Weber

Pit showed Elena the New Work floor in Freiburg and they even did a bit of "exercise" together.

Elena and Laura Höcklin

The two of them also spoke about New Work but also about company events, paperwork in past and they spontaneously created a new job advertisement for Falk!

New Work & Falk's new job advertisement

Sport events & previous paper work

Elena and Samer Ahmed

He told her about his first encounter with Falk, why he thinks Falk is different to other companies, that hiking is his new favourite hobby and, last but not least, how he almost sold his house & car to a colleague on his very first day.

How he first got in touch with Falk

What makes Falk special?

How he almost sold his house and car to a colleague - by accident

His new favourite activity: hiking!

Elena and Andrea Oswald

She told Elena that she learned about symposiums from Prof. Gerhard Rogler. She spoke about her onboarding experience, the focus of her Global Marketing Team, life-long learning and Falk’s company culture.

Why she started at Falk

Challenges & focus for Global Marketing 

Her connection with Prof. Gerhard Rogler

Curiosity and life-long learning

Onboarding & how expectations were met

Interaction with & amongst doctors 

Elena and Daniel Uhl

They spoke about is work at Falk and in the staff committee, company events, training and the support he was given for his “off-topic” education but also about his application process a few years ago (Daniel even revealed that he first thought Falk is based in Munich).

His start at Falk & a misunderstanding

His work in the staff committee

His work at Falk & training opportunities

Company events

Elena and Martin Strünkelnberg

Martin Strünkelnberg has been with Falk for more than 16 years. He told Elena how he first heard about Falk and that the company somehow does something differently to others. Martin also got to meet Herbert Falk and he told Elena about New Work, why he likes his job and about his favourite phone call.

How he got to know Falk more than 16 years ago

Herbert Falk & what makes Falk special

New Work & why he likes to work for Falk

His favourite story

Elena's previous stop: Switzerland


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